November 9, 2012 – International Trucks Diamond-certified graduate credits strong support network for his success

UTI-Sacramento graduate Zachary Bernet, pictured here,
credits his wife and family for much of his success and reason for attending UTI.

Published from UTI Newsletter

UTI-Sacramento graduate Zachary Bernet almost didn’t attend UTI. After graduating from high school, Bernet was working with his father at a plumbing business and merely tagged along when one of his friends visited the UTI-Sacramento campus. Bernet had seen UTI commercials on TV and when his friend was so excited after his own campus tour, his interest was piqued. So much, in fact, that he enrolled in the automotive and diesel, and industrial program that same day.

UTI became Bernet’s life. During the first week of class, he took a learning style quiz to identify what kind of learner he was. He was not surprised to find out he was an “intellectual learner.” He loved the challenge of working with evolving technology, approaching repairs like a doctor would approach surgery. When he wasn’t in class, you would still see Bernet sporting UTI apparel, talking about how much he was loving his experience at UTI and working on cars on the weekend with his classmates and friends.

“I had so much pride, fixing vehicles people needed to get to work, or needed to haul, or just needed to pick up their kids from school,” says Bernet. “I felt a little like a superhero at the end of the day, and that’s how I knew that I made the right choice to go to UTI.”

After graduating from UTI, Bernet held two jobs, studied for and passed ASE certification, and decided to apply for the ITEP-MSAT post-graduate program – a highly specialized invitation-only program to earn International Truck factory training credentials. With a 3.9 GPA and 98 percent attendance record, he felt like he was a good candidate but still needed to take the entrance exam, which included content on a course he hadn’t yet completed. Bernet passed the exam, interviewed for the spot, and was accepted into the program that very day.

“I knew that I wanted to pursue diesel as a career, and I knew that the hours the ITEP-MSAT program would require would force me to quit both of my jobs,” says Bernet. “My wife, who was then my girlfriend, convinced me that she could support us while I finished the program, so I owe all my successes to her and my parents.”

With the support network of his wife and family, Bernet successfully completed the ITEP-MSAT program and landed a job with Peterson Trucks.

“My favorite part about my job is being able to come to work each day and not know what kind of truck I may be working on or what problem it may have. Each diagnosis is like a puzzle, the more challenging they get, the better and faster I become at solving problems. I like the brain workout.”

Bernet has continued the brain workout throughout his time at Peterson trucks, recently obtaining Diamond certification, the highest level of technician recognition that International Trucks offers. This rigorous process includes web-based training, completing all14 areas of product expertise, completing ASE Medium-Heavy Truck certification, and eight different aspects of medium- and heavy duty truck repair.

Bernet is the first technician at Peterson trucks to achieve this remarkable certification and notes that he wouldn’t have been able to do it without his training at UTI and his support network.

“I’m proof that all you have to do is want it bad enough,” says Bernet. “UTI will give you every tool to forge your own success story. Take your education seriously. Use every chance you have to gather every piece of knowledge each instructor has to offer.”

To learn more about the International Trucks programs at UTI, visit

Source: UTI Newsletter

Zachary Bernet
Zachary Bernet

ASE Master Technician
ASE Advanced Level Specialist
Master & Diamond Certified Mechanic

(916) 256-5962


65 Vintage Court
Clayton, NC 27520
United States

[email protected]